
We are very proud to announce that Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic has created a charitable fund to offer grants to clients who need financial assistance to provide life – saving care for their horses.

All too often, even the best horse owners can find themselves financially unprepared to do what is needed to save their animal, and facing a heart – wrenching decision if they can’t afford treatment.

Equine Reproduction Services by Springhill EquineOf course as veterinarians, we love animals first and foremost, and don’t want any family to have to make that terrible decision. So, inspired by clients who wanted to help less fortunate owners afford emergency care, we’ve established a charitable fund with the Veterinary Care Foundation.

The Veterinary Care Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation and is unique in that 100% of every dollar donated goes directly to veterinary practices – the Foundation never uses charitable contributions for administration, salaries or fundraising.

For those of you who are in a position to help other less-fortunate horse owners, you can donate by clicking here.

Thank you for your generosity, and should you have any questions, please contact our office at (352) 472-1620.