I can remember the simple days around here at Springhill Equine when all I had to entertain myself was watching the docs and playing with my ball of string.  I suppose even then I was pretty lucky; most equine vets around here don’t have a facility like this.  Who knows, I could have been stuck as a barn cat.  Yikes!

But things continue to improve around here.  Dr. Vurgason’s husband Aaron works for Oak Ridge Electric, and he sure has been busy at this place.  We jumped from a mobile hot-spot all the way up to a T1 internet connection.  I don’t know what that really means other than that it’s really fast!  Why is that important you ask?  Well, it means the docs can be quicker in the office with their paperwork (why do humans still call it that if it is digital?) and thus spend more time practicing (another phrase I’m not crazy over) being a vet.

With this big T1 upgrade comes some pretty cool other stuff around the office, too.  We now have HD security cameras in every stall so the docs can check-in on patients throughout the night.  I still don’t know how I feel about this new lack of privacy I have.

We’ve also made some upgrades to our lighting with a Crestron building automation system.  I’ve never been fond of the light switches around here, so now I can use that iPhone I found to control lights and fans.  Oh, and if someone forgets to turn the lights off for me at the end of the day, I can still get a good night’s sleep in the dark because they’ll shut down on their own.

Yup, this is definitely quite the facility we have here.  The docs will definitely be getting more done than ever before.  I just hope that the next round of upgrades includes an automated litter box… I’ve always wanted one, what can I say?