Whinny’s Wisdoms

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Your Pup has a Bump! Here’s What We’re Going to Do

 Hello there, curious pet owners! It’s your sassy and savvy clinic mouse, Whinny, here to enlighten you about a rather common scenario that often has our Springhill Equine clinic buzzing – the discovery of a mass on your feline or canine companion. You know, those little (or not-so-little) bumps and lumps that can pop up unexpectedly during routine check-ups? Yep, we’re diving into how our talented veterinarians handle these mysterious masses and what options you and your furball have.

Whinny’s Wisdom: Not all masses are created equal. Some can be harmless, while others might demand more attention.

So, let’s get down to business. Picture this: You’re cuddling with your pet, giving them all the love they deserve, and you happen to notice a peculiar lump. Cue the concern! Whether you’ve stumbled upon it or your vigilant vet has spotted it during a routine check-up, these solitary masses can stir up quite a ruckus in our minds.

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Approach #1: “Wait and See” – Not So Much

First up, the “wait and see” approach. Now, I’m all about giving life’s little mysteries time to unravel, but when it comes to masses, that’s a no-go. These lumps are the body’s way of saying something isn’t quite right. So, the verdict? Skip the waiting game and opt for a professional evaluation.

Whinny’s Wisdom: Masses don’t usually vanish into thin air. They’re here to stay until we intervene.

There is just no way to know what a mass is from the outside most of the time. So waiting risks a very bad mass getting worse over time.

Approach #2 and #3: Peek Inside with FNA and Biopsy

At Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic, we’re big fans of FNA – a fancy abbreviation for fine-needle aspiration. This nifty technique involves inserting a tiny needle into the mass, collecting a sample of cells, and examining them under a microscope. It’s like a sneak peek into the mass’s identity! The best part is an FNA can often be done with your dog or cat awake and distracted with treats like cookies, my favorite!

Whinny’s Wisdom: Quick and relatively painless procedures, like fine-needle aspiration (FNA), can work wonders in diagnosing sneaky masses. You could say they’re fast, friendly, and informative – a bit like me!

But wait, there’s more! Biopsies step in when we need a closer look. Biopsies involve removing a small but solid piece of the mass for further analysis. They’re more thorough but can be a tad more invasive. Think of them as sending a piece of the puzzle to a detective – our pathologist – for examination. They most often involve anesthesia or very heavy sedation as well as local anesthesia. They’re essentially a mini surgery.

Approach #4: The Full Monty Workup

Sometimes, the mysterious mass is just the tip of the iceberg. That’s where the “complete workup” comes into play. This star-studded lineup includes a complete blood count (CBC), a serum biochemistry profile, radiography (fancy term for X-rays), abdominal ultrasonography, and urinalysis. It’s like rolling out the red carpet for diagnosis, revealing insights about your pet’s overall health. A full workup is like giving your pet a VIP treatment – thorough and illuminating.

Diagnosis Time: The Mass’s True Identity

Once we’ve peered into the mass’s soul – I mean, cells – it’s time for the big reveal. Is it a benign neoplastic, malignant neoplastic, inflammatory, or hyperplastic mass? This information guides us toward the next steps.

Whinny’s Wisdom: Knowing your enemy – uh, I mean mass – is half the battle won.

If the mass is a troublemaker and we’re sure it’s malignant, surgical excision usually gets the green light. Cutting out the bad apple can work wonders. And if the mass is playing hide and seek with its metastatic buddies (spread to other areas), chemotherapy might be the hero of the story. Treatment may happen at our clinic, or we may refer your pet out to a cancer specialist—called an oncologist—for the most advanced treatment modalities.

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Fear not, if we do recommend chemotherapy or radiation for your pet’s mass it is important to know the mantra of veterinary oncology: QUALITY of life is much more important than quantity of life. Because our furry friends don’t always know why they’re going in for treatment, we focus on keeping it positive and pain free. Over 80% of dog and cat chemotherapy patients have ZERO side effects for the duration of their treatment. We believe in giving our four-legged heroes the best shot at a quality life, and sometimes that involves surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.

So there you have it – a glimpse into the intriguing world of solitary masses in our beloved furry companions. Remember, if you ever stumble upon a mysterious lump, don’t let it be the elephant in the room. Your vigilant veterinarians at Springhill Equine are always here to help uncover the truth and guide you and your pet through this puzzle-solving journey. Until next time, keep those cuddles coming and those masses on the run!

~ Whinny

P.S. Have you heard the exciting news? The Adventures of the Horse Doctor’s Husband 3 is available for pre-order! You can reserve your ebook today, and it will release on Sept. 8th! If you prefer a paperback or hardcover, they’ll be releasing on Sept. 15th, just a few weeks away! Click Here to go over to the book page on my website for links to purchase.

Justin B. Long

Whinny’s Wisdoms is the official blog of Whinny the Clinic Mouse at Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic in Newberry, Florida. If you liked this blog, please subscribe below, and share it with your friends on social media! For more information, please call us at (352) 472-1620, visit our website at SpringhillEquine.com, or follow us on Facebook!

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