Tuesdays with Tony

A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.

Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

Toxic Plants for Horses

Toxic Plants for Horses

Tuesdays with Tony With the cooler temperatures comes a decrease in the available forage in the pastures for your horses.  As we all know, horses will eat and eat and eat until there is nothing else to eat. But then again, so will I.  When their regular forage is...

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The Truth About Medroxy

The Truth About Medroxy

Tuesdays with Tony Medroxy Recently the hunter/jumper world was up in arms. A drug named Medroxyprogesterone was banned from competition horses. I asked my humans, why all the fuss? The answer was a complicated one. Read on for my take on mares, drugs, and the horse...

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Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Tuesdays with Tony My humans have this very weird holiday this week. It’s called Thanksgiving. I hate it. It means fewer minions around for four whole days to open and close the door at my command. I understand it is a time when the humans eat a lot of food (I can get...

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Tuesdays with Tony To blanket, or not to blanket. That is the question. With the drastic change in weather, it’s difficult to know exactly when and with what you should blanket your horse. I, for one, am all for blanketing. My staff recently went as far as purchasing...

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Preparing for Breeding Season

Preparing for Breeding Season

Tuesdays with Tony Well, it seems the weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter. While for most of you this probably conjures up thoughts of fat Thanksgiving turkeys, glowing Christmas trees, and cozy winter clothes, it reminds me that breeding season...

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Tuesdays with Tony What’s the deal with Supplements?   What's the deal with all the supplements you people feed your horses? There must be thousands of different things you can add to your horse’s food on a daily basis. Who would even want to eat all that stuff...

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What to do with Horse Remains

What to do with Horse Remains

Tuesdays with Tony There’s a problem in equine veterinary medicine that rarely gets discussed. The bodies. The reality is that horses are really big, and it’s going to take a decent amount of work to manage the body after they pass. It’s not a pleasant topic, but it’s...

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Horse Nutrition 101

Horse Nutrition 101

Tuesdays with Tony I had a special treat here at the clinic on Friday night. A nice man and several trays of Italian food were set up in the barn aisle, and the humans got some continuing education on nutrition from one of the leading experts in the country! Dr. Marty...

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The Deal with Dentals

The Deal with Dentals

Tuesdays with Tony As you all know, my docs and techs have been doing some traveling this time of year to different continuing education seminars. But did you know, this is a requirement for my docs? They have to go for 30 hours of continuing education every 2 years...

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Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People

22837 NW 22nd Ave, Newberry, FL 32669