Whinny’s Wisdoms

A weekly blog for horse, goat, dog, and cat owners written by Whinny, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic mouse.

Whinny’s predecessor, Tony the Clinic Cat (and his blog, Tuesdays with Tony) retired in early 2023 after many years of blog writing.

Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic
101 Ways to Feed Hay

101 Ways to Feed Hay

Tuesdays with Tony I understand why horses are often, not so affectionately, referred to as hay burners. Especially this time of year, they can really down some hay. I don’t know how, or why, you humans put up with it. Hay is HARD WORK! Something we cats abhor. Not...

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Wellness Plans 2021

Wellness Plans 2021

Tuesdays with Tony It’s a chilly December in Florida and I’m celebrating the season by finding the warmest patches of sunshine in the Springhill Equine parking lot and knocking holiday decorations off the counters. Meanwhile, my clinic humans are busy preparing for...

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Castrating Horses

Castrating Horses

Tuesdays with Tony CASTRATING HORSES This past Saturday was one of my favorite Saturdays of the year. I hosted veterinary students from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine for a day of fun. Every year I have the students out to the clinic to get...

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Tuesdays with Tony There’s a crazy bug out there. It lives in critters that wander the pastures with your horses. In a very few horses this bug gets into the spinal cord, and wreaks all kinds of havoc. What am I talking about? Equine Protozoal Myeloenchepalitis, or...

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How to Bandage Horse Legs & Feet

How to Bandage Horse Legs & Feet

Tuesdays with Tony For reasons unknown to me, horses simply love to injure their legs. Yet more proof that us cats are superior to horses, am I right? And they are so creative about it! Lameness or lacerations, tendonitis or trailer rides…there are many reasons why my...

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Tuesdays with Tony Can you believe it’s the time of year where we talk about breeding again? It’s like I woke up from my nap this weekend and it’s already mid-November and we’ve got to start preparing the mares.  Well, I don’t. But, if you intend to breed your mare in...

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Tuesdays with Tony     This week, let’s talk worms. I should have done this topic for Halloween. Worms are creepy, crawly, icky, and you humans hate to even think about your horse having a single one of them. A huge motivation for this week’s topic comes...

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Teamwork continued

Teamwork continued

Tuesdays with TonyThis week I am going to take you all back to elementary school when you all learn about teamwork. You learn about it at a young age and it ends up playing a role throughout your life.  Who knew when your teachers were talking to you about the...

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Tuesdays with TonyBleeders. Nothing ruins a good run like seeing blood at your horse’s nostrils. This week we’re gonna chat about Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage, or EIPH. That’s the fancy acronym doctors use to describe bleeders. EIPH is complicated! Hang on...

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Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary Care for all your Animals

22837 NW 22nd Ave, Newberry, FL 32669