Scary Wounds on Horses

Scary Wounds on Horses

Whinny’s Wisdoms

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Hey everyone, Whinny here, your resident field mouse reporter at Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic! Today, I’m tackling a topic that’s a big deal around here – synovial structure infections in horses. Now, that might sound like a mouthful (it is for a little gal like me!), but it basically means infections in a horse’s joints, bursae (fluid-filled sacs near joints), and tendon sheaths (slippery tunnels around tendons). 

These infections can be super scary, and that’s why I wanted to shed some light on why. So, grab a crumb (if you’re a fellow critter) and settle in!

Why Are Synovial Structures Important?

Imagine a horse as a high-performance machine. Its joints, bursae, and tendon sheaths are like the smooth, oiled gears that keep everything moving perfectly. The synovial membrane lining these structures produces a special fluid that acts as a lubricant, reducing friction and keeping things comfy. That membrane is made up of tons of tiny little projections called villi which make the whole thing look like deep, lush carpeting. 

But sometimes, bacteria sneak into these synovial structures. This most often happens from a wound. These wounds can range from tiny punctures to big lacerations. Rarely, it happens from bacteria traveling around the bloodstream, and even rarer, after a surgery. Once inside, these bacteria are like party crashers, wreaking havoc. They multiply like crazy, causing inflammation, pain, and a whole lot of trouble.

The Domino Effect of Infection

Here’s where things get serious. Once bacteria have invaded the synovial membrane it can be almost impossible to get them out of that thick carpet. The infection can in turn damage the delicate synovial membrane, reducing that lubricating fluid. This, in turn, increases friction, leading to pain and stiffness. But it doesn’t stop there. The bacteria can also eat away at the cartilage, the smooth, white cushion protecting the bones at the joint’s ends. All the while the bacteria continue to multiply within the synovial membrane, and get even harder to remove. 

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

The Body’s Battleground

The horse’s body isn’t going down without a fight, though! It sends white blood cells, the body’s warriors, to battle the bacteria. This battle creates heat, which is why infected joints often feel hot to the touch. These tiny warriors only add to the problems with severe infections. The very chemicals they make to kill bacteria are also bad for cartilage! 

Now What?

The good news is that with early detection and aggressive treatment, most horses with synovial infections can make a full recovery. That’s why horse owners need to be vigilant!

  • If your horse has a wound, no matter how small, on their legs, take a picture and send it to us! 
  • If that wound is near a joint, tendon sheath, or bursa, your horse needs emergency care right away. We only have about 12 hours to get ahead of these infections.
  • Sudden lameness should also be a call to us for advice.

Battling the Beasts: How My Vets Fight Synovial Infections

The first step is checking to see if a synovial structure is affected. This is done by placing a needle into the area and putting a large amount of sterile fluid in. If the vets see fluid coming out of the wound, then they know a synovial structure is in big trouble. 

The next step is heading to a surgical hospital for a lavage. This is a powerful technique where sterile fluid is flushed through the infected joint or tendon sheath. It’s like giving the battlefield a thorough cleaning! Lavage helps remove bacteria, debris, and inflammatory cells, speeding up healing. As Dr. Lacher can be heard saying, “Dilution is the solution to pollution.” The surgeons will also treat the joint or tendon sheath with antibiotics at the end of the flush, and clean the wound really well. 

Next steps will be:

Antibiotics: They come in various forms, including oral medications, injections directly into the infected joint, and intravenous (through the vein) administration for severe cases. Most synovial infections will go on a combination of intravenous and direct treatments. 

Rest and Support: Stall rest is really important. We don’t want that damaged joint or tendon sheath to move around too much. Horses being delicate critters, the vets will also keep an eye on the opposite limb for something called support limb laminitis. 

Anti-inflammatories: These medications help reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling, making the horse more comfortable.

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Getting Back To Work

Even after the bacteria are banished, the horse’s journey isn’t over. Those synovial membranes take time to heal. It can be 4-6 weeks after an injury for them to start producing that all-important lubricating fluid again. Think of it like a factory that needs to get all its machines back online. This means these horses will have a longer rehab period to regain strength and flexibility. It’ll be crucial to bring them back to work gradually, with frequent check-ups at the vet to make sure everything is healing properly. Just like any athlete recovering from a big injury, these horses need patience and a slow and steady approach to get back to their best.

We all know horses are delicate flowers. Their synovial structures are just another example. Being mindful of even tiny wounds on their long legs will ensure you catch problems quickly. Calling my vets with any laceration is never a bad idea. They love to see pictures! Remember, catching these infections early can mean the difference between a full recovery and a long, difficult journey back to health.

Until next week,


P.S. Wanna take a deep dive into joints? Check out S7E05 Equine Joint Health of Straight from the Horse Doctor’s Mouth, my doc’s podcast! You’ll be an expert on equine joints in an hour! And once you make it through the 150+ episodes of the show, you’ll be an expert on the rest of the horse too! It’s right there below, just scroll back through the episode list to find it and hit Play. You can do it!

Whinny’s Wisdoms is the official blog of Whinny the Clinic Mouse at Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic in Newberry, Florida. If you liked this blog, please subscribe below, and share it with your friends on social media! For more information, please call us at (352) 472-1620, visit our website at, or follow us on Facebook!

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More Adventures of the Horse Doctor's Husband
Joint infections in Horses

Joint infections in Horses

Whinny’s Wisdoms

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Hi everyone, it’s Whinny, the Springhill Equine clinic mouse! Have you noticed that when my docs and techs do a sterile scrub on your horse’s joint prior to an injection, it feels like 5 hours of scrubbing for about 15 seconds of actual injection? And have you noticed that my docs get a lot more uptight about a half inch wound over your horse’s hock than a big dramatic looking wound on his chest? Like with real estate, location is everything, and this week we’re talking about infections in a location that we take very seriously – joints.

In its most basic sense, a joint is a place where 2 or more bones meet, along with the cartilage that covers the bone ends, and a joint capsule with a synovial membrane that secretes fluid to lubricate the joint. Most types of joints have movement of some sort – hinging like your knee or moving in multiple directions like your shoulder. It’s the same for your horse. Think about the joint capsule like a protective balloon around the joint. It’s a really important place, sealing the joint space and providing nutrition and lubrication to the cartilage. When infection gets inside that space, there can be career ending or life-threatening consequences. That’s why my docs don’t mess around when a joint infection is on the line.

These locations that are surrounded by a fluid-secreting synovial lining are called synovial cavities. There are so many synovial cavities in a horse, especially in the legs! And it’s not just joints, but tendon sheaths and bursae too, which are similarly worrisome if they get infected. That’s why my docs’ knowledge of anatomy is so important. A wound in one spot might not be that big of a deal, but a wound an inch away could be in a synovial cavity. The treatment and prognosis could be vastly altered by just a tiny difference in location.

How do Joint Infections Happen?

The answer is a bit different depending on whether it’s a mature horse or a foal. In foals, bacteria usually get into the joint through the bloodstream. The infection starts somewhere else in the foal, like the umbilicus or the lungs, and then bacteria travel in the blood until they arrive in the joint. This is especially problematic when foals don’t get enough immunity by suckling high quality colostrum right after birth, causing failure of passive transfer.

Adult horses most commonly get joint infections from wounds that enter the joint space, bringing debris and bacteria inside. Since it’s the same for a tendon sheath or bursa infection, we’ll just use joints as our example from here on. The wound could be an obvious laceration leaving little doubt that the joint has been compromised, but it could also be a tiny puncture wound that leaves no evidence of the injury.

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Joint infection can also rarely be seen as a complication of joint surgery or joint injection. That’s why you see all the scrubbing we do before joint injections. It’s not common to have a problem, but my docs will still be very careful with sterility.

Signs of Infection

The first and most important thing is if your horse has a wound anywhere near a joint, call my doc immediately. This is not the time to take a wait and see approach. Besides the wound itself, you might see lameness starting within hours to days, swelling in and around the joint, or sometimes fluid draining from the wound. It’s important to remember though, that if the joint has an open wound and is draining fluid, it may not show lameness or swelling yet. That doesn’t mean it’s not a big problem, so don’t put off calling my doc! If it’s been going on a while, the horse may have a fever. In a foal, the fever may be the first thing that occurs even before the joint swells up. No matter which of these you see first, the moral of the story is to call my doc and not mess around trying home remedies.

How We Diagnose a Joint Infection

When there is a wound near a joint, my doc will clean the wound and then explore it to find out if it communicates directly with the joint. She may put on a sterile glove and feel within the wound itself. She may insert a sterile instrument into the wound to track which direction it goes. An x-ray can be used to look for bone abnormalities caused by infection or to help with determining if the wound communicates with the joint.

A fluid sample can be collected from the joint to test for infection. Normal, healthy joint fluid is clear, pale yellow in color, and somewhat stringy rather than thin like water. Fluid from an infected joint may turn cloudy, watery, and sometimes change color. There are several lab tests that can be used to determine normal from infected joint fluid.

My doc may inject the joint with sterile saline from a site distant from the wound to pressurize the joint. If there is communication between the wound and the joint, the pressurized fluid will leak from inside the joint out through the wound. If there is no current communication, no leakage will occur.

If any of these methods determine your horse has an infected joint, you’ll have to start treating quickly and aggressively.

Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

How an Infection is Treated

Your horse will need his joint flushed out with large volumes of sterile fluid. This is best done under general anesthesia at a hospital. The gold standard is to use an arthroscope to inspect the joint surfaces, look for debris, and deliver a high flow of fluid to rinse out infection. He’ll also need powerful antibiotics given through his vein. Antibiotics are often injected directly into his joint or the region of infection as well. It’s important for the horse to be comfortable enough to bear weight on his injured leg and prevent too much stress on his other legs, potentially causing laminitis, so he’ll receive anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling and pain.

A joint infection can be difficult to treat, especially if the infection has been present for a while before treatment begins, or the bone or soft tissue structures are involved. So when there’s a wound on your horse’s leg, calling my doc quickly will give your horse the best chance to get the treatment he needs.

Until next week,


P.S. Have you taken advantage of the amazing free resource that is our Podcast? Yes, in case you don’t know, Dr. Lacher has a podcast called Straight from the Horse Doctor’s Mouth. It’s actually the biggest equine podcast in the world, if a mouse can brag a little! You can subscribe to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts! You can even listen right from the website by clicking here.

Whinny’s Wisdoms is the official blog of Whinny the Clinic Mouse at Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic in Newberry, Florida. If you liked this blog, please subscribe below, and share it with your friends on social media! For more information, please call us at (352) 472-1620, visit our website at, or follow us on Facebook!

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More Adventures of the Horse Doctor's Husband