Tuesdays with Tony

A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.

Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

Trailer Safety 101

Trailer Safety 101

Tuesdays with TonyIt will never cease to amaze me that horses willingly get into those dark boxes you humans call horse trailers and rattle along down the road. I’ve seen a few protests, but with a little training, encouragement, and some food, they comply and walk...

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Barn Cat Care

Barn Cat Care

Tuesdays with TonyThere’s a new doctor at Springhill Equine. I had to be told she was new though, because she’s been hanging out here for close to four years. I guess she was a vet student until now, but she always takes the time to pet me when she arrives, so she...

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Poisonous Plants and Horses

Poisonous Plants and Horses

Tuesdays with TonyIt’s poisonous plant season around North Central Florida, so I thought I’d drop a little plant wisdom on you humans. All of my poisonous plant wisdom has come from listening to seminars here at the clinic by really knowledgeable people from a place...

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Insect bite hypersensitivity

Insect bite hypersensitivity

Tuesdays with TonyAh, Florida. We have a lot of fun stuff here… beautiful beaches and great places to ride your horse. You know what we also have in plenty? Bugs. Yep, I’m sure you have noticed the bugs. Between the heat, the humidity, and the bugs, Florida in summer...

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Eating for a Summer (Horse) Body

Eating for a Summer (Horse) Body

Tuesdays with TonyIt’s hot out. I was working on my tan on the driveway at the Clinic the other day, and I could barely lay on the asphalt for 10 minutes. That made it extremely difficult to force the humans to drive around me. Overall not a great experience. It got...

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Cellulitis and Legs

Cellulitis and Legs

Tuesdays with TonyWhy do horses like to do things as a crowd? As an independent-minded cat, I certainly don’t follow a crowd, but horses, they seem drawn to what others are doing. Where am I going with this, you ask? It seems that things come in groups. This week has...

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Hurricane Prep Refresher

Hurricane Prep Refresher

Tuesdays with TonyWe’re already in hurricane season, can you believe it? Somehow, it’s already six days into June. Every year I like to remind you all how to best be prepared in case a hurricane heads this way. I’ll leave the preparations for the human side of things...

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Think Like A Horse

Think Like A Horse

Tuesdays with TonyLet’s talk about what your horse does all day while you’re at work trying to earn money to pay for feed, hay, that new saddle Flicka needs because the old one just doesn’t fit right anymore and he simply can’t be asked to canter on the right lead...

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Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People

22837 NW 22nd Ave, Newberry, FL 32669