Tuesdays with Tony

A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.

Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

Use your Quarantine Wisely

Use your Quarantine Wisely

Tuesdays with TonyI have heard from many of my cat brethren that their humans are still around ALL. THE. TIME. I told them this won’t be forever, and they should try their best to be patient and understanding. These are not cats' finest qualities, so please know we...

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Wound Management

Wound Management

Tuesdays with TonyIf you have been following the Springhill Equine Facebook page, and I know you have, you have probably seen the post about a couple of horses who took the opportunity this weekend to injure themselves.  For some reason I think horses are feeling a...

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What Your Horse Does All Day

What Your Horse Does All Day

Tuesdays with TonyWhat Your Horse Does All Day I’ve heard from the cat version of the dark web that some of you are suddenly home way, way too much during the day. I hear some virus is responsible. Let me tell you, the cats aren’t happy about it, and we’d like things...

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Equine TeleMedicine

Equine TeleMedicine

Tuesdays with Tony Equine TeleMedicine Whoa! What a strange few weeks it’s been around here.  At first I kept hearing everyone talk about Corona this and Corona that, and I thought to myself, that’s odd, my minions aren't big drinkers, some don't even drink at all, so...

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Where Science and Money meet

Where Science and Money meet

Tuesdays with TonyYou may have noticed (or not, if you’re oblivious to the racehorse world like me) that some major bad players were recently indicted by the FBI. That’s right, the Federales were involved. I am above these things you humans call laws, except when it...

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Stallion Breeding 101

Stallion Breeding 101

Tuesdays with Tony Usually, this time of year I like to talk to you all about mares and foals and breeding your mare. Recently, however, we have had a few stallions come through the clinic and so I figured there is no time better than the present to talk about...

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Sarcoids, and why we hate them

Sarcoids, and why we hate them

Tuesdays with Tony Very few things around here are uttered with the same hateful tone as the word sarcoid. My Docs do NOT like this tumor. They feel the same way about sarcoids, as I do about cold, rainy days. I’m lucky. The sun will come out tomorrow. The sarcoid may...

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Horses and CoronaVirus

Horses and CoronaVirus

Tuesdays with Tony Some of my more woke readers may have read about a horse with coronavirus this week in Arizona, as reported by Equine Disease Communications Center (EDCC). If you don’t know what EDCC is, I highly recommend checking out equinediseasecc.org for a...

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Equine Acupuncture

Equine Acupuncture

Tuesdays with Tony By now, I’m sure you all know that Dr. Abbott has recently been down in Ocala at the Chi Institute learning all about Equine Acupuncture so that we can better serve you and your horses, and so she can make this old cat feel like a spring chicken...

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Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People

22837 NW 22nd Ave, Newberry, FL 32669