Tuesdays with Tony
A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.
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Bute, Banamine, or Equioxx?
Tuesdays with Tony I hear this a lot around here: do you want paste or powder bute? We’re going to give this colic an injection of banamine. Here’s Equioxx for you to add to Flicka’s grain everyday to help manage arthritis. It got me wondering, what’s up with bute,...
Breeding and Genetics
Tuesdays with Tony I hope everybody enjoyed one of my most popular annual Come See Tony events last week: the Breeding Seminar! I was honored to be joined by the team from Etalon Diagnostics who explained genetic testing for everything from color to heritable...
Joint Infections
Tuesdays with Tony Many of you have followed the story of Highway. He fell off a trailer on the interstate, then was unclaimed by owners. The Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, my amazing Docs, Equine Medical Center, and a whole lot of people via GoFundMe got him...
Tony’s New Year’s Resolutions
Tuesdays with Tony Happy New Year everyone! It’s that time of year again for me to help you with your New Year's Resolutions. But don’t worry, my resolutions are way easier than trying to go to the gym every day or stick to the Keto diet. These resolutions are...
Is He Lame or just Bad?
Tuesdays with Tony There’s a superwoman out there many of you may never have heard of. Her name is Dr. Sue Dyson. She’s from England, works at a place called the Animal Health Trust, and does some fantastic research on horses. My Docs definitely have a huge nerd crush...
Trailer Safety
Tuesdays with Tony You may have heard the story of the horse we named “Highway” who was found on I-75 on Friday and treated here at Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic for his wounds. It turns out that he fell out of a moving horse trailer. So, I thought now might be...
Should I Breed My Horse?
Tuesdays with Tony As a cat, one of my many, many tasks is to humble humans daily. With breeding season coming up, I feel it’s my duty to have a heart-to-heart with you about what breeding actually means. I have come to this subject today because our 10th Annual...
Proper Wound Care
Tuesdays with Tony Proper Wound Care Pus. I’m not going to lie: we have an unnatural reaction to pus around here. Especially large quantities of pus. The excitement when there’s a lot of pus potential is palpable. Phones come out with cameras at the ready, everyone...
Winter Prep
Tuesdays with Tony Boy, was it chilly here last weekend! Did you pull out your winter blankets? I know I limited my regular outdoor excursions to 5 minutes or less on Thursday and Friday. I found it most entertaining to ask my humans to let me out repeatedly, only to...
Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic
Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People