Tuesdays with Tony

A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.

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How Vets Evaluate Lameness in Horses

How Vets Evaluate Lameness in Horses

Whinny's Wisdoms Hi everyone, Whinny here! In the previous installment of my Lameness Series, we talked about what you might notice if your horse is lame and needs a visit with one of my Springhill vets. This week, we’re going to talk about what happens once you make...

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Toxic Plants and Horses

Toxic Plants and Horses

Whinny's Wisdoms Hey everybody, Whinny here! Horses can be exposed to and graze on plants that can be harmful or even fatal. More often than not, horses will choose good quality grass or hay over a toxic weed or plant, especially if they have a good mouse friend to...

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What Does Lameness Look Like?

What Does Lameness Look Like?

Whinny's Wisdoms Hi everyone, Whinny here! It’s starting to cool off a teeny bit here in Florida, and a lot of you are gearing up for the riding season! We don’t want anything to get in the way of the fun stuff you’re planning with your horse this Autumn. My...

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Fall is in the Air—and the Pasture

Fall is in the Air—and the Pasture

Whinny's Wisdoms Hey everybody, Whinny here! As fall ushers in cooler temperatures and changing pastures, horse owners are met with the promise of crisp, cool air and the joys of fall riding. But as the seasons change, so too should your horse's diet. Fall is a...

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The Very Basics of Saddle Fit

The Very Basics of Saddle Fit

Whinny's Wisdoms Hey everybody, Whinny here! I’m going to start with: I know what you're thinking – "What does a little mouse like Whinny know about saddles and horses?" Well, let me tell you, I've been scurrying around these parts long enough to pick up a thing or...

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Adding a New Horse to your Herd

Adding a New Horse to your Herd

Whinny's Wisdoms Hey everybody, Whinny here! As a little mouse, observing the barnyard dynamics from my tiny vantage point, I couldn't help but be intrigued when a new horse arrived in the neighborhood. The bustling barnyard is like a world unto itself, filled with...

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Anhidrosis aka Non-Sweaters

Anhidrosis aka Non-Sweaters

Whinny's Wisdoms Hi everyone, Whinny here! Here in Florida, it’s been brutally hot lately! I heard my Springhill docs saying it’s even worse than a usual summer. It’s been hard on the horses too – we’ve had a bunch of horses in our area stop sweating, which the docs...

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Bumps and Masses on Dogs

Bumps and Masses on Dogs

Whinny's Wisdoms Your Pup has a Bump! Here’s What We’re Going to Do  Hello there, curious pet owners! It's your sassy and savvy clinic mouse, Whinny, here to enlighten you about a rather common scenario that often has our Springhill Equine clinic buzzing – the...

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A Safe and Smooth Vet Visit

A Safe and Smooth Vet Visit

Whinny's Wisdoms A Safe and Smooth Vet Visit - A Mouse's Guide for Horse Owners  Hey everybody, Whinny here! As a perceptive little mouse who has observed many horse vet visits, I'm here to share some valuable tips with all you horse-owning humans to ensure a safe and...

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Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People

22837 NW 22nd Ave, Newberry, FL 32669