Tuesdays with Tony
A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.
Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

Dry Weather and Colic
Tuesdays with Tony This weather sucks. I know you’re shocked to get my honest opinion, but as a cat I feel I owe it to my adoring fans to be true to my nature, and my nature doesn’t like this weather. It’s true that I also don’t like rainy days, but I do like rain...
Herpes, AKA Rhino
Tuesdays with Tony This week let’s talk Herpes. We’ve all got it in some form, and we all got it the day we were born from our mothers. Why, you ask, am I discussing herpes on a horse blog? Well you horse people have to make things complicated, and instead of calling...
Pain Management
Tuesdays with Tony Sometimes, in between cat naps, I pay attention to what medications you humans are picking up at the front desk. Names like ‘Bute’ ‘Banamine’ and ‘Equioxx’ have become pretty familiar to me. So this week I asked the docs what some of these...
Tuesdays with Tony Horses are weird. One of my Docs has a horse who cribs. This behavior makes absolutely no sense to me. Cats would never do something this weird. Why on earth would you want to grab a board, or, worse yet, metal, with your teeth, bite down, and lean...
Tuesdays with Tony It’s 6 pm on Saturday night, you go to feed your horses and notice one of them isn't interested in dinner. You realize he’s colicking. You remember you have some Banamine on hand, so you give your horse a dose orally because you remember you’re...
Sand Colic
Tuesdays with Tony When you think of sand, what images come to mind? Probably pleasant visages of laying on a sandy beach getting a tan, or your kids playing outside in the sandbox as you enjoy a cold glass of lemonade, or feeling the sand squish beneath your toes as...
Starvation, Breeding, and Microchips
Tuesdays with Tony How, you ask, are starvation, breeding, and microchips related? What weird cat logic is this? Read on and find out. I’m dropping some serious cat wisdom this week. Starvation Recently Dr. Vurgason and Dr. Lacher had the daunting task of working...
Eastern Equine Encephalitis
Tuesdays with Tony Eastern Equine Encephalitis So I was scrolling through Facebook the other day (I may have hacked one of the docs pages, one day maybe they will let me have my own page) but to my surprise I came across a post about horses and people in...
To Lunge or Not To Lunge
Tuesdays with Tony Those crazy sticks that horses walk around on. It’s not a great design. Then you humans do crazy things like lunging. I mean, I get it. Horses worry about big cats, like me, attacking them out of nowhere, especially if they’re in a new environment...
Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic
Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People