Whinny’s Wisdoms
A weekly blog for horse, goat, dog, and cat owners written by Whinny, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic mouse.
Whinny’s predecessor, Tony the Clinic Cat (and his blog, Tuesdays with Tony) retired in early 2023 after many years of blog writing.
Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

Neuro Behavior in Horses
Tuesdays with TonyBeing a Clinic Cat will make you a bit paranoid. I spend a lot of time seeing not-normal horses, and only a small slice of my day seeing normal horses. The hardest not-normal horses we see are the ones my Docs call neurologic. My understanding of the...
Wet Weather and Mushy Feet
Tuesdays with TonyWe sure have been getting a lot of rain around here lately. As you know, we cats are not fond of rain, and now all my favorite sunbathing spots in the clinic parking lot have become puddles! Yeah, yeah we need the rain to grow grass, but the daily...
Teaching Puppies and Kittens to Love the Vet
Tuesdays with TonyListen, my staff are all vets and vet techs, so I do have an… appreciation for them (love may be a strong word), but I recognize that an inherent love for the veterinarian may not be present in all dogs and cats. As the human caretakers of your...
Mares (mostly) and Hormones
Tuesdays with TonyThere’s a thing here at the clinic called Regumate. It gets talked about a lot. Some talk of it in hushed tones as if its very mention can bring forth chestnut mare syndrome. My Docs tend to talk about it as a tool, usually during breeding season....
Pre-Purchase Exams (and why you need one)
Tuesdays with TonyHorse shopping is at once thrilling and terrifying. You may have spent months searching and trying out horses. Now finally you think you’ve found the right one, Woohoo! You love his personality and the way he rides! He’s even the right color! He’ll...
Sheep and Goat Parasite Management
Tuesdays with TonyI’ve waxed poetic more than once on parasite control in horses and donkeys, which I’ve summed up succinctly as: “deworm less.” Well, today I’m here to talk about that same thing in goats and sheep (spoiler alert, the sum-up will be similar). Dr....
Donkey Care
Tuesdays with TonyWhile my Springhill docs are out and about taking care of horses, they also see plenty of their long-eared cousins, the donkeys! Quite a few of our clients have donkeys. Sometimes they’re kept as pets, or companions to a horse, and sometimes they...
Equine Insurance
Tuesdays with TonyThis is one of those recurring themes for me. It seems every time I talk insurance, I hit a relevant point for a human, so here we are again. Let’s start with the obvious: horses are expensive. They’re expensive to buy and maintain, and to fix when...
Myths Legends and Sketchy Ideas
Tuesdays with TonyThe horse world is full of some crazy myths, legends, and sketchy ideas. My Docs experience them every day, and I hear my fair share of them during conversations at the clinic. I know horse people like tradition, and also The Google, but both of...
Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic
Veterinary Care for all your Animals