Tuesdays with Tony
A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.
Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

A Worm’s Life
Tuesdays with Tony It’s the first half of the year, and around here that means it’s everyone’s favorite time of year: Fecal Egg Count Season! I know, my humans are weird. They celebrate strange things, and they are very, very passionate about their fecal egg counts....
Joint Injections
Tuesdays with Tony Show season is in full swing and my docs have been super busy getting your horses ready to perform their very best. Now that you and your horse have been competing for a few weeks, it might be time to have them looked at again. When your horse is...
Narcolepsy in Horses
Tuesdays with Tony Let’s talk sleep and narcolepsy in horses. I’ve been accused of this, but to be 100% clear, I don’t suffer from narcolepsy. As a top line predator, I require up to 18 hours of sleep daily to keep my highly tuned body ready for the chase. Horses...
Stomach Ulcers or Something Else?
Tuesdays with Tony More and more often I get the question, could my horse’s performance issue, behavior problem, weight loss, or other problem be caused by ulcers? Boy, this is a loaded question for a clinic cat to answer! But I will do my best to guide you to the...
Equine Airway Issues
Tuesdays with Tony I’m not even going to pretend I didn’t straight up steal this week’s blog from Dr. Lacher. I was listening in on a recent podcast she did on airway issues. I found it pretty fascinating, so I’m going to summarize it here for you. If you like...
Preparing for Horse Ownership
Tuesdays with Tony So, you think you want to own a horse. You’ve read all my blogs, listened to Dr. Lacher’s podcast, Straight from the Horse Doctor’s Mouth, and you’ve been attending all of my monthly seminars. You feel like you have all the information you need to...
Rabies in Horses
Tuesdays with Tony Look at this lovely picture of a bunch of happy youngsters living in a beautiful field. It looks like horse heaven. Look closer. These kids are all carefully (well, not so carefully) investigating a skunk. “They better be careful,” you say. “They’re...
Equine BioSecurity
Tuesdays with Tony The weather is changing, the days are shorter, there is snow up north, and the snowbirds are flocking to the south. This means it’s time for horse show season, my favorite time of year! I get to see all my old buddies from up north and hear about...
Creeping Indigo
Tuesdays with Tony Last week I wrote about poisonous plants. It was brought to my attention that I forgot a plant. I informed my people they were wrong. I’m a cat, I didn’t forget. I wanted to give Creeping Indigo its own special blog. That’s my story, and I’m...
Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic
Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People