Tuesdays with Tony

A weekly blog for horse owners written by Tony, the official Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic cat.

Looking for a particular topic? Click the magnifying glass in the menu bar, and enter any horse-related topic to search past blogs.

The Choking Horse

The Choking Horse

Tuesdays with Tony You’re walking through the barn doing one last check of all the horses after their evening feed when you notice one horse has stepped away from his feed bucket. You inspect the feed and notice that some feed has been consumed but the majority is...

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Colic Mythbusters

Colic Mythbusters

Tuesdays with Tony I hope everybody was able to make it out to my recent Colic Seminar. Boy, did I learn a lot! Apparently there are several common misconceptions out there about colic that are not based on reality at all. In case you missed it, I am here to share my...

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Allergy Testing

Allergy Testing

Tuesdays with Tony If you’ve been by the clinic lately, you may have noticed my fancy new hairdo. If you haven’t, I’ve provided a picture for you all to admire. A few weeks ago, my staff felt the need to show me off to all the lovely people at the University of...

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Training Horses (and pigs!)

Training Horses (and pigs!)

Tuesdays with Tony Last weekend we had a professional animal trainer, Carolyn Rice, come to the clinic to help us work with a pig who is here for boarding. Carolyn has experience working with all types of animals, from zebras to camels, even ducks! While every animal...

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What Coggins Testing Is All About

What Coggins Testing Is All About

Tuesdays with TonyFrom my view at the front desk, and extensive inspection of trailers as they arrive and depart, I have determined that an awful lot of you are here for something called a Coggins. I have concluded that this is a test of the ability of my minions to...

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How To Buy A Horse

How To Buy A Horse

Tuesdays with Tony So you wanna buy a horse. What kind of horse do you want? Oh wait I know, because this is what all the humans say: a gelding who is 16.2, black with some white (but not too much), must be ready to go Grand Prix (dressage, and show jumping, in the...

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Foaling Kits

Foaling Kits

Tuesdays with Tony The Ins and Outs of Foaling Kits   It’s that time of year again, and everyone around the clinic has been buzzing with excitement about how new baby foals are about to hit the ground. Honestly, I don't see why it’s so exciting. It’s not like a...

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Horse Show Prep

Horse Show Prep

Tuesdays with Tony Dr. Vurgason had a horse show this past weekend, so all week long I had to hear her whine and complain about all the preparation she had to do in order to get her horse ready to show. I had no idea how much work was involved, all for a horse to run...

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Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary Care for Horse People, by Horse People

22837 NW 22nd Ave, Newberry, FL 32669